Westlands: Goblin Caves

2 page full color pamphlet module.

Goblin Caves is the first Westlands Pamphlet Module. It’s formatted like a double sided tri-fold brochure and contains all the information you need to play an excellent one-shot.

  • A fully playable, ready-to-run one shot to drop in to any Westlands or Sword of Cepheus RPG campaign
  • Printable color version of the file.

This adventure is designed for 3 to 5 Westlands characters.

In Westlands, we’ve taken the core open-license 2D6 fantasy reference material and are adding extra content, including reworked (more dangerous!) sorcery mechanics, optional rules for simple firearms, and an expanded bestiary.

The name Westlands is a nod to the West Marches RPG campaign style, which is a much more free-form, adventure-seeking campaign where the players decide their motivations and goals, rather than being directed via the game master.

Westlands is setting-neutral, and lets you create whatever adventure you imagine. It is built on the open-license reference material for Sword of Cepheus, which is a 2D6 fantasy RPG that is rooted in earlier 2D6 science-fiction RPGs.

Available here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/436796/Westlands-Goblin-Caves?affiliate_id=14013

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